A New Year: Thrive 1/20

a-new-year-thriveMany of you know my sister has been struggling for the past few years with mental health issues, alcoholism, and substance abuse. In this struggle, she has lost her children, her husband, and her job. Through her struggles, I have found my own. I don’t understand how we could have grown up together, have experienced the same trials, and now lead such different lifestyles. I know this is more common than not, but it is hard to see someone you love follow such a dismal path…by choice.

My mom called not too long ago and shared a bible verse that one of her coworkers shared with her. My bible was in the car, so I reached for the nearest one, my Mimi’s. This bible has been sitting on her piano that we brought to our house after she passed away 6 years ago. I have never touched it. In fact, her bookmarks and writing utensils are still in the pocket where she left them.

As I opened her bible, I noticed a sticky note attached to the inside cover. I touched it where she had touched it and I looked at her beautiful handwriting. I turned to the verse my mom told me about and it was indeed fitting for my sister, but not for me.  It didn’t “touch” me the way it had my mom. So instead, I turned to the verse my Mimi had written on the sticky note…1 Corinthians 10:13.

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

This verse caught my breath. It was exactly what I needed in order to be reminded my sister can still turn back to God. She just has to have an open heart to see the way out He provides.

My Mimi was very special to both my sister and I. To know God spoke to my Mimi through this verse, so much so that she wrote it down on the inside cover of her bible, means so much. God knew when I would need this verse. He knew when I would open her bible. He knew all these things before we were even created. The fact He chose my Mimi to share this with me even after she is gone, means so much and fills my heart.

The Post-It Note or sticky note was invented in 1968 by a scientist at 3M named Dr. Spencer Silver. Dr. Silver promoted his invention as a “solution without a problem.” Dr. Silver found something noone knew we needed and his invention has been used by all of us at one time or another. We all have problems and many times we cannot see or find solutions to them.  We often are so focused on the problem, the cause of the problem, the symptoms of the problem, or the consequences of the problem that thinking about the problem itself keeps our eyes off of the only One who can deliver us through or past that problem-Jesus.

My Mimi placed that sticky note inside the front cover of her Bible to remind herself of that verse each time she opened it, and she opened it daily. If we can find a way to stick ourselves to Jesus, we have our victory over struggle even before the struggle begins.

Michelle Martinez


1 thought on “A New Year: Thrive 1/20

  1. Michelle so perfectly said. For different reasons, that verse has been very helpful to me for many years. Focusing on the problem is always easier and many times more comforting than fighting for the solution. You are a beautiful reflection of God and I believe He will use you to help bring your sisters focus back. Love you. Patti


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